ما بعد الاجتماع

ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 16
الحمد لله
كطلبة عندهم وعى و متحضرين و هيئة تدريس متفاهمة متعاونة اجتمع بعض الطلاب نيابة عن كل الطلاب مع ادارة الكلية و بعض اعضاء هيئة التدريس
و بتوفيق من الله وافقت ادارة الكلية على المطالب المشروعة العاقلة االى قدمها الطلاب و تم الاتفاق على تنفيذها بتعاون ما بين الطلاب و الاساتذة الافاضل
و لكن كان فيه اسلوب غير لائق فى الحوار من طالبة رفضه الطلاب قبل الاساتذة رفضا لاى تجاوزات و لقد تقدمنا كطلاب طب اسنان بالاعتذار عن اى تطاول مرفوض تماماو نؤكد على رغبتنا فى ذلك
و نشكر السادة الاساتذة الافاضل على حسن التعاون مع الطلاب تفهما لمطالبنا
و ارجو من كل الطلاب العمل بمساعدة السادة الاساتذة على تطوير الكلية و استكمال الدراسة فى ظل تحقيق مطالب بناءة تعمل على تطوير الكلية و اظهارها بشكل مشرف لنا جميعا
متمنيين جميعا ان يوفقنا الله فى المساهمة فى الاصلاح و النهوض بالكلية كافراد مشاركين فيها
والله الموفق و المستعان
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -

ا1- بالنسبة للإجتماع والحركة داخل كليتنا

فهذه بطبيعة الحال انعكاس وامتداد للثورة المصرية في 25 يناير

وستبقى ما دامت الثورة وما دامت مطالبنا نحن المصريين لم تتحقق


ا2 وبالنسبة للحديث مع الأساتذه والأسلوب ف الحوار معهم

يجب أن تحكمه القواعد التي وضعها الشرع لهذا من احترام للكبير وآداب النصيحة وغير ذلك مما يأسر القلوب

 أو بلغة أخرى يجب أن يحكم هذا الحوار ما يحكم الديمقراطية وبقننها حتى لا تتحول لتعدي سافر على حقوق الغير

نعبر عن آراءنا ونطالب الدكاترة بتنفيذها

لكن ولكي يكون الحوار بناء ونصل لما نريد نحن الطلبة بل والأساتذه

علينا أن يكون أسلوب الحوار بيننا راقي



 ا 3-أما بالنسبة للتغيير وأن ننتظر أن تصبح كل أحلامنا حقائق في وقت قصير

هذا التيرم مثلا-فهذا محال بل ويحول الأحلام إلى كوابيس ويبعدنا بطبيعة الحال عن أهدافنا الرئيسية



نحتاج للتغيير

لكننا نحتاج للعقل والتروي


نحتاج لمطالب فورية سهلة تحقيقها

من حقنا

 وعلى  أساتذتنا تلبيتها على أسرع وجه

" أظن أن ما تقدم به ممثلين الدفعات وعرضوه بشكل راقي "

أظن أنه يحقق أبسط ما نرنو إليه من تغيير

لذا وبشكل فوري يجب البدء وبسرعة في تحقيق هذه المطالب التي تفضل الممثلين لكل دفعة بطرحها بين أيديكم


وكما قلنا

نراهن على صدق دكاترتنا

ونراهن على طلبة كليتنا

خصوصا دفعات تالته وتانية وأولى

لأنهم تقريبا حيعيشوا إن شاء الله أيام ف الكلية ف ظل ما حققته الثورة


إن الضامن لتحقيق هذه المطالب هم الطلبة وكذلك الشرفاء من أساتذتنا

والضامن الأخير هو استمرار الثورة

ثورة 25 يناير وتحقيق بقية مطالبها

وهذا يحتاج لوقت

ولا زال في الوقت متسع


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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
well written like what soha said ya nawar :):)
wallhy i hope that our dear professors who we respect profoundly accept our true apology about every inappropriate word bgad those professors who stood defending our rights are the most respected to us we yarab ai tasarof 5areg 7asal mayza3alhomsh menna as we love them and need them most :):)
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
اعتقد ان الطلاب قدمو كل ما لديهم من اجلال و تقدير و احترام لاساتذتنا الكرام
والان ننتظر منهم حسن التعاون و المساهمة و المساعدة فى التغيير تضامنا من حضراتهم مع ابنائهم الطلاب
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
i agree with nawar... we are longing for our doctors to help us in changing the college to the better
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
Tany :D alla ya nawar bgd eslobak 3agbny gdn f elkalam w rabna ywaf2na kolna esa w kolytna w elta3lem kolo yeb2a a7san........

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Mohamad and everybody

Thank you for the nice apology which I hope you all mean it, including those who misbehaved. Let us hope for the best of our faculty despite what I felt of threats if your demands will not be accomplished on Saturday.This I do not agree with because we should give time for the administration to start working, then wait and see. Nobody has a magic stick..Please be wise enough not to destroy your dreams and hopes for the sake of anybody or anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
Dear Dr Wafaa ,

I assure that we all mean that apology those who misbehaved and those who took the blame for it :) I agree that we need time and effort to realize our demands and we assure that we will cooperate with the administration and the different departments to help them realize what we hope our college to be.

We also hope that our eagerness to reform our college would not be just now as "emergency" meetings and fast decisions but also would turn to permanent institutions inside our college formed of students from all years and instructors and professors , all working together and discussing together further improvement that could be done either from the side of the students or the different departments.

I only ask for one thing , that what you see from a small group of students , please don't generalize it as if it's what the 1500 students want. Yeah some students want immediate total change of everything and anything and many of us know that this would do nothing but harm us , students. We could only try to explain to them our point of view but there's nothing more we can do , and I tried to explain that to Dr Maha Abu Khedr.

Thanks for your time and I apologize if my post was too long :)

Lamiaa Kabbari
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Lamia

Thank you for your nice reply. However, I really do not understand you guys !!!!!!! One day you say something and the next day you say completely the opposite ??!! 

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -

hi lamia

iassure you that i understood your point of view very well and i know that we should not generalize the situation , but you have to be sure of one thing that your proffessors are aiming for your good benefit and i am really so worried about the second term and how it will pass ,we all have to cooperate to return every thing to normal again as soon as possible

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Lamia

I just want to tell you that if you all keep your positive attitude and  constructive spirit that I felt yesterday in the lecture, I am sure everything will be better inshaAllah. Let us hope for the best and try to achieve it together for the sake of our future and our country's prosperity. Thank you again for your commitment and your dedication. Good luck to you all !!!!!!!  

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
Dear Dr. Wafaa
so happy for your reply
I want only explain the word ( immediate )
We all aware that no body can change every thing immediately , but there are many things can be done immediately to assure that our demands are accepted and will be realized we need to feel the co-operatin we want
I think we have the logic supporting our demands which are well planed with date not all immediate but we want to have an obvious agreement
finally thanks alot dr for your concern
and the willing to change positively
Good luck for all
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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Mohamad

I really, trully, and honestly do not understand what you want !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your reply to my message on Thursday is completely the opposite to what you said and all students on Friday !!!!! What is really your problem ?? Just tell me what is your point of view of " alsalbia" and " almomatla" if you already confessed that the administration agreed to most of your demands ??!!!!!! What is your "immediate" demand that you felt it was not fulfilled the way you wanted? I feel we are all , students and staff, talking on different channels or waves. First rule of good communication is to have a common language so we can understand each other...... 

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Nawar

I could not understand what you ment untill yesterday after the public health lecture, that's why I am sorry if I was too aggressive ?!!! Your colleagues explained to me your point of view and we tried to reach some sort of compromise to not hinder the educational process in the very little time left for this term. I hope everybody is convinced of what we agreed upon. I know third year students are the most committed to their faculty and I am proud of that !!!!!!!

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Re: ما بعد الاجتماع

by Deleted user -
شكرا د. وفاء
انا احب اوضح لحضرتك اننا كلنا كل اللى عايزينه اننا نبدا دراستنا فورا بالشكل المرضى للجميع و الاسلوب الفعال المثمر
متمنى ان يوفقنا الله لما فيه الخير