رسالة من العميدة

رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 23

أبناؤنا الأعزاء/ طلاب كلية طب الاسنان

تشهد بلدنا الحبيبة مصر أحداثا تاريخية غيرت و تغير فى حياتنا يوما بعد يوم. و نحن فى كلية طب الاسنان - ادارة و أعضاء هيئة تدريس و عاملين نتكاتف و نعمل بأقصى جهد لاعادة البناء الأكاديمى و تطويره على أكمل وجه ليواكب التقدم المرجو منا جميعا

و نامل أن نتلقى مقترحاتكم و اراءكم حتى نلتقى عند بدء الدراسة على كل خير

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
دكتوره مها/ السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
أرجو التكرم بالموافقه على توزيع ورق لجمع توقيعات للموافقه على بقاء الماده الثانيه من الدستور ان الشريعه هى المصدر الرئيسى للتشريع
على ان يتم ذلك فى اول يوم ف الدراسه ان شاء الله لجمع اكبر عدد ممكن من الدفعه (الفرقه الرابعه)
ولكم جزيل الشكر

محمد أبو السعد
الفرقه الرابعه
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Assalamoalaikom Mohamad

The dean will meet with students on Wednesday inshaAllahin order to discuss any suggestions, requests and demands. This will be our chance , students and staff, to start making a true difference in the educational environment to reach a better future. The 25th of January revolution is not finished, yet. It just began and it needs that we start working hard, all together, in order to reconstruct our new beloved country and to deserve being the great Egyptians the whole world witnessed. Good luck everybody.

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
الشكر موصول د - مها على الاهتمام بالتواصل معانا .. و كمان الشكر موصول لاساتذتنا .. الدكاترة المحترمين في قسم الصحة العامة ..
المهتمين دائما بالتواصل معنا اكثر من غيرهم
.. ان شاء الله نقدر نوصل يوم الاربع لنقاط تفاهم .. و تلتقي مقترحاتنا كطلاب مع وجهات النظر في الادارة .. ان شاء الله بعد كدا ه نحاول اننا ننقل نقاشتنا من موقع (فيس بوك ) لموقع ومنتدى الكلية .. للتواصل اكتر ..
كما نرجو من الادارة المحترمة التواصل معنا بمثل تلك الاجتماعات دوريا ..يقينا منا بان النجاح في المؤسسة التعليمية ..اساسة المقدرة على التواصل بين المؤسس الحقيقي لها وهو الطلاب و الادارة المنظمة والمشجعة لمقترحاتهم واهدافهم وطموحاتهم ..
تلك ليست بشعارات نرددها .. وانما تطلعات نؤمن بها .. اثبتتها احداث ثورة 25 يناير ..
اكرر شكري للاهتمام ..
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Maha El Tantawi - -

شكرا لك يا محمود و أعتقد ان العميدة ستوجه لك نفس الاجابة

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Hi Mahmoud

Thank you very much for the very nice words you mentioned about the public health division. We really appreciate your compliment because it is our job to achieve the best possible teaching-learning environment within the available resources. I hope today's meeting was up to your expectations, especially in relation to the continuous communication with the administration through representatives of all academic years. I am very proud of the way your group discussed your demands which showed understanding, good manner and respect. I am sure we can all reach a better future by improving our faculty which is part of our country through active participation, eagerness and determination. I am proud you are my students and I am proud we are all Egyptians !!!!!!

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -

و مين اصلا قال انها حتتشال ؟؟ الكلام في نقطة زي دي معتقدش انها مقبولة للطرح اصلاً لا جدوى من مثل هذا  التصرف لأن دي من اساسيات الدولة يا محمد خللينا موضوعيين و مانسيبش الكبير و نمسك في نقطة مالهاش وجود

مع احترامي

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Hi Mohamad

I absolutely agree with you. We should start thinking about what is important to be achieved in our educational environment in order to reach a better future. I think today's meeting with all the faculty administration, staff and students is just the beginning of a new mechanism of communication and active participation needed for a better teaching-learning environment inshaAllah.

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Re: السلام عليكم

by Deleted user -
i 'm Ehab
master student in fixed prosthodontic department.

i hope some real interaction between different departments in our collage to take place.
through different annual general lectures include the advance treatment option, new material and techniques.
this interaction will help the student in all departments, not just the small view of each field

thanks to all professors and participants.
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
السلام عليكم
ليس جديد على الأدارات المختلفة فى البلد انها تتحرك الأن فقط من اجل التواصل او تقديم خدمات بعد الثورة لتحسين الصورة التى اهتزت من فترة طويلة و لحفظ ماء الوجه
و كنت ارجو ان تكون المقترحات من قبل الثورة وليست بعدها
انا طالب ماجستير و كنت اتمنى ان يكون نظام الساعات المعتمدة يطبق حسب الوائح و ليس على حسب اهواء اعضاء هيئة التدريس
بحيث ان المواد اللى بتتفتح تكون باختيار الطالب و فى صالح انه ينهى دراسته فى المدة التى يستطيع فيها انهاء المواد بتقدريات جيدة
فمثلا الحد الأقصى للمواد 12 ساعة
و نفجأ ان المواد الأساسية تقفل فى اوقات معينة فلا نجد امامنا الا 6 ساعات فى الفصل الدراسى
هل يعقل هذا ؟؟
هل اللائحة دى عشان تقولا قدام العالم ونظام الأعتماد انه فى نظام حلو
بس فى الأساس مش بيتطبق ؟؟
و ايضا اقترح فتح المقررات الدراسية فى الصيف بدون حد اقصى تعويضا لتقليل المواد فى هذا الفصل الدراسى و المتوقع بعد هذه الأحداث
ثالثا فتح المواد الأختيارية لأى طالب فى اى فصل دراسى بدون التقييد بالعدد
ولو تم القيد بالتقيد بالعدد فيتم عمل اكثر من كورس فى نفس الفصل الدراسى و يتم تبادل المدرسيين له على الطلبة لضمان العدالة بينهم
و اتمنى قبول النقد
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Assalamoalaikom Mohamad

I did not really understand if you are in favor or against the new credit hour system.I hope you know that basic courses ( scientific writing, infection control and biostatistics) have been opened since the credit hour system started and did not stop anytime despite only two staff members are teaching these courses in order not to delay students. I do not know which department you are enrolled in , but I think there is an obvious shortage in the number of staff members in some departments( like ours) which will not allow for opening the same course by different teachers or several courses in the same semester. However, I am sure all departments will try to compensate for the unfortunate delay in the beginning of the current semester based on the well-being of the students and not on their own wishes. Good luck to you all... 

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
no the problem not from ur department my dear dear dr as i appreciate both u & dr maha tantawy for ur effort in teaching & i really enjoyed ur courses
but i'm with credit hours system
the problem was with the opening of some other courses like oral biology & microbiology
they have no shortage in staff members & although they closed this semester
& for scientific writing i suggest u make 2 parallel courses in the same semester & both u & dr maha alternate in teaching it as in ethics for example so there will be justice in teaching in this course & also u can finish the waiting list
& plz i know the big responsibilities on u
but try to train another staff members in the department or even other departments to teach this course
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Maha El Tantawi - -


I understand your concerns and this writing course is giving me so much troubles. As Dr Wafaa said, there is a shortage in staff members in public. This is one problem. Another is that the two of us are the most junior so we cant really train the others. The problem with the 2 parallel courses bu us is the load. we share 30 students. if we split, each will have 15 students so nothing really changes. we have been changing tactics ever since the course started alternating between accomodating the max number of applicants and maintaining the -hoped for- quality of the course. i think the possible solution is either inviting members from other depts to share or changing the course strategy.

your- and everybody's- suggestions are very welcome smile

In reply to Prof. Maha El Tantawi -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
Dr Maha i'm suggesting to make 2 parallel courses each with 30 student :)
& i think that the infection control could be given by any other staff members becz it's not a difficult course then you & Dr Wafaa will have much more time for scientific writing course
also it's more logic that the quality course could be neglected becz it has less priority than the scientific writing at least for as i'm involved with research work
& i'm not criticizing the scientific writing course only but also other courses like oral biology that told us they'll open only once in a year which drive me mad
& really thank you again for your patience
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Maha El Tantawi - -

each with 30 sad

ic given by others: sigh sigh sigh (i dont know if there is a figure for this). will try to raise the issue among staff members and see what they think

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Hi Mohammad

Thank you very much for the positive criticism . I really appreciate it !!!! We'll do, Dr.Maha and I, our best to solve this endless problem of scientific writing which, I think,  is as much important as infection control and ethics because they are all basic courses as well as obligatory. Let us just hope to find another interested team to help us !!!!!!!   I am sorry for your problems with the other departments, but you can try to discuss it with the staff members. Maybe they have a specific point of view to close the courses this particular semester!!!

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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
Thank you so much for today. We want to express how much we appreciate the time and effort you've given to hear our complains and thoughts.

We are really looking forward to work together for a better future inshallah.
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Hi Lamia

We should thank you, students, for being so open, courageous and eloquent in expressing your thoughts and demands. I hope this very active participation will continue because improvement is a two-way process. Respectable communication is a must in order to overcome any obstacles while trying our best to reach the better future we all dream of. Good luck everybody because the true revolution just started and we should all work very hard to make it succeed and to prove we deserve to be the Egyptians everybody in the world is talking about now!!!!!!!!!!!!  

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
dr wafaa
about ethics before teaching to students drs should apply it in sections plz
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Mohammad

 I absolutely agree with you !!!!!!!! I think one of your main demands to the dean is raising this issue of impolite and unrespectable attitude of some of the professors and instructors towards students in the sections. You should present and handle this unfortunate and unaccepted behaviour in the same civilized and objective way of the last meeting. I am sorry to tell you this will not only need ethics lectures, but also rules and regulations so that nobody thinks he is better than others. I am not sure if this is possible, but I hope for some strict criteria to regulate the relationship between staff and students in the future.  

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -
thanks alot dr Wafaa for your care and reply
am very proud to belong to a faculty containing staff member like you ............... really great efforts
About ethics dr Wafaa not only the attitude toward us is unacceptable , but also some professors dont wanna us to apply these great rules of ethics with patients while we dont accept , as some professors wanted us to use them for our training only without any respect for their human being
that happened to me not once but more
but I refuse that behavior
please dr help us to improve the treating with patients in our faculty.
finally I can't say any thing , but thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks dr for help
hope all professors be like you
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Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Prof. Wafaa Essameldin - -

Dear Mohamed

Thank you very much for the very nice words. I really appreciate it !!! Unfortunately some of the professors don't think this behavior is not ethical because they consider it a benefit to the student. This is not acceptable!!!!!!! What you can do is to report this misbehavior to the Quality unit and we'll try to investigate it with those who are in charge. It will be a step towards fighting corruption, I hope!!!!!!! I sent you a previous message and I told you not to be suspiciousssss. Let us try to be positive and wait for the feedback. I really believe in you all, great young Egyptian revolunists who gave us hope for a better future. Let us start to  work and take our RESPONSIBILITIES. 

In reply to Prof. Wafaa Essameldin -

Re: رسالة من العميدة

by Deleted user -

thanks Dr.Wafaa

really you said what I mean absolutly , I only wanna the future be better

whatever was the past , Idon't wanna any thing ,but enhancing this relation which should be more civil and .............................. :)

finally greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat thanks for your efforts dr